Yarraville Special Developmental School is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of our 2025 voluntary financial contributions.
On Tuesday 11th of February, we will have our ‘Meet the Teacher’ afternoon, from 3.30 – 4.00pm. This will be followed by our 'Welcome Picnic' hosted by the Wellbeing team from 4.00 – 4.45pm.
Did you know all the different ways you can stay up to date with all the happenings around the school...
We are all busy and time poor, so we can easily forget that our details have changed. Phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses etc.
Parking is sparse at YSDS at the moment & SAFETY must be our first priority. We have spoken to our builders & can we also please ask our school community, not to double park, or park on the nature strip as it poses as a safety risk to our students.We understand it can be tricky and we suggest....
This year to support students in receiving their full day of learning in their classrooms and to minimise disruptions to teaching and learning time, we will be asking families to wait till 3pm to collect their child from the office.